Polish Association for DBT
Polish Association for Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Polskie Towarzystwo Terapii Dialektyczno-Behawioralnej
Who we are and what goals we have?

Currently, our association gathers specialists, psychologists, psychotherapists, pedagogues and psychiatrists who want to help and improve in helping people with emotion dysregulation, suffering from a borderline personality disorder (BPD, Borderline), engaging in dangerous behaviors and taking suicide attempts. Our association is also open to patients, family members and close relatives to people with borderline personality disorder.
The most important goals of PTDBT are the popularization of effective psychological treatments with an emphasis on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). We are organizing self-study groups for therapists, consultation teams and we hope to organize advanced DBT trainings in Poland in cooperation with specialists from abroad. Another area of our interest is a development of knowledge and skills among families and relatives to BPD patients through the Family Connections ™ program. We know how important prevention is and therefore we are involved in the adaptation of diagnostic tools, through participation in Global Alliance for Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder (GAP). We hope that thanks to our activities DBT will be available in Poland to people who suffer from borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation.
More information about our activities in these 4 basic areas can be found below:
4 areas of our activities

Contact us

Magdalena Skuza

Treasurer of the association
Joanna Wiatr Abramowska

Anna Englert – Bator

Secretary of the association
Katarzyna Sikora

Member of the management
Magdalena Muracka-Tylko
Revision Comittee

President of the Revision Comittee
Gabriela Zajdel

Member of the Revision Comittee
Sylwia Mańko

Member of the Revision Comittee
Aleksandra Radomska-Budnik
Family Connections Team

Magdalena Skuza-Singh

Magdalena Muracka – Tylko
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