Polish Association for DBT

Polish Association for Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Polskie Towarzystwo Terapii Dialektyczno-Behawioralnej

Who we are and what goals we have?

The Polish Association for Dialectical  Behavior Therapy (PTDBT) was founded in December 2016 by a group of specialists who see a great need to promote methods based on scientific evidence into psychotherapy in Poland.

Currently, our association gathers specialists, psychologists, psychotherapists, pedagogues and psychiatrists who want to help and improve in helping people with emotion dysregulation, suffering from a borderline personality disorder (BPD, Borderline), engaging in dangerous behaviors and taking suicide attempts. Our association is also open to patients, family members and close relatives to people with borderline personality disorder.

The most important goals of PTDBT are the popularization of effective psychological treatments with an emphasis on Dialectical  Behavior Therapy (DBT). We are organizing self-study groups for therapists, consultation teams and we hope to organize advanced DBT  trainings in Poland in cooperation with specialists from abroad. Another area of ​​our interest is a development of knowledge and skills among families and relatives to BPD patients through the Family Connections ™ program. We know how important prevention is and therefore we are involved in the adaptation of diagnostic tools, through participation in Global Alliance for Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder (GAP). We hope that thanks to our activities DBT will be available in Poland to people who suffer from borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation.

More information about our activities in these 4 basic areas can be found below:

4 areas of our activities


Developing a community of competent therapists
Through our activities, we want to develop a community of committed and empathic therapists who can provide effective therapy to their patients. That’s why we organize trainings, free webinars in which we share knowledge. In 2018, we organized a conference  „Borderline Personality Disorder: How to support emotionally sensitive people?„, which was attended by 6 specialists from 5 countries, including 4 representatives of scientific centers. 250 specialists from  Poland took part in this event. We plan to establish and strengthen cooperation with foreign science and therapy institutions in order to organize advanced DBT trainings in Poland (Intensive training). We intend to organize self-education groups for therapists. Currently, we lead two consultation teams for therapists within PTDBT. The consultation group is one of the key elements of DBT, the aim of these groups is to develop empathy, maintain motivation and help therapists to effectively apply DBT principles in their practice. A free open consultation group for our members  meet on Mondays, and  a closed group for therapists who took part in DBT training in 2018 in Athens  meet on Tuesdays. We also want to encourage therapists and make it easier for them to organize such groups locally or on-line by providing our associations IT resources.
Family support
We know how important it is to create a favorable environment for development for people with emotion dysregulation and borderline personality disorder (BPD). That’s why we want to support parents and relatives to BPD patients in developing their skills so that they can better support their relatives and take care of their own well-being. Therefore, in cooperation with the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEABPD), we are launching the implementation of Family Connections ™ (FC ™) in Poland. FC ™ is a 12-week free program, in which families and relatives of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD), emotion dysregulation or experiencing crises, receive the necessary knowledge, skills and support. We also want to share knowledge with family members and relatives of people with BPD, that’s why you can find useful information on our site, links to movies and radio podcastas. We plan to translate more films and publications.
We help patients by developing knowledge, awareness and educating therapists. We educate psychiatrists and other specialists that they can inform patients about methods of effective treatment. We hope that increasing the awareness of specialists about borderline personality disorders, effective therapies, including dialectic-behavioral therapy (DBT) will make DBT available in national mental health centers. We participate in conferences for teachers and educators, we also want to educate GP to increase awareness and understanding for our patients, which can help them make changes in their lives. We also plan to create a website with helpful information and knowledge. We are also planning to publish a list of therapists along with information on their path of education in DBT. We hope to develop more activities directly aimed at people with BPD. We hope that there will be more trained specialists and  DBT skills trainings will be available for our patients.
We are aware that effective help is very important, that’s why we adapt reliable diagnostic tools and we would like to study the  effectiveness of DBT. For this reason, our association cooperates with „International Association for Prevention and Early Intervention for People with Borderline Personality Disorder”. We have started work on the Polish adaptation of BPD diagnostic tools for adolescents: AIDA and LOPFQ12-18 (in cooperation with specialists from the University of Basel). We also hope to examine the effectiveness of  Family Connections ™ program for families.

Contact us




Magdalena Skuza


Treasurer of the association

Joanna Wiatr Abramowska




Anna Englert – Bator


Secretary of the association

Katarzyna Sikora


Member of the management

Magdalena Muracka-Tylko


Revision Comittee


President of the Revision Comittee

Gabriela Zajdel

Member of the Revision Comittee

Sylwia Mańko

Member of the Revision Comittee

Aleksandra Radomska-Budnik

Family Connections Team

Magdalena Skuza-Singh

Magdalena Skuza-Singh


Magdalena Tylko

Magdalena Muracka – Tylko


„To jest bardzo trudne uprawomocnić przeżycia drugiej osoby,
kiedy nie są one wyrażane adekwatnie lub istotnie różnią się
od naszych oczekiwań lub naszych własnych przeżyć”
Alan Fruzzetti, współautor programu Family Connections